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 Sujet du message : Hunting Big Hogs
Message Publié : Mer Mai 30, 2018 4:25 am 

Inscription : Mar Mai 22, 2018 6:28 am
Message(s) : 5

I have a hunting buddy named Mark, he's just taken up hunting and he's in his mid 40's.he just can't seem to get the killing part down. The loud gun, the kick along with inexperience just screws with his head.He missed another hog just a few nights ago with his new Muzzle loader.A pretty big boar and he was really depressed over it.Just has to get over it, practice shooting and get the confidence level up.He worries too much about missing when the hogs standing in front him when he should be thinking on what he knows to do.he sees us DRT hog after hog yet he seems to miss everytime here lately. I've been there, it takes practice, not so much at a target, he can hit a target with no problem, but at killing. getting the instinct to just put the crosshairs where they need to be and pull the trigger without the pressure of failing.Even Jim Shockey misses every once in a while.Heck, Paul can tell you, I missed one once upon a time.One time I didn't miss,the hog just wasn't where he was supposed to be when I pulled the trigger,I don't count that as a miss.

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