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Message Publié : Mar Sep 11, 2012 2:45 pm 
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Inscription : Lun Août 22, 2011 7:49 pm
Message(s) : 1057
Localisation : zone 10


Quebec trying to protect gun registry data that doesn't reflect reality

CSSA says injunction is just another political ploy and will double gun shuffle

The Quebec Superior Court decision to retain federal gun registry data to create a provincial registry is destined to fail as a public safety measure.

Long Gun Registry data is famously inaccurate and too outdated for any province that’s going to pretend it will increase public safety. The registry has never worked as a public policy safeguard for Canadians and Quebec's plan to reinvent a gun registry foreshadows a classic financial disaster.

“Quebec is taking bad public policy and preparing to build more of the same on a foundation of sand,” says Tony Bernardo, executive director of the Canadian Institute for Legislative Action and spokesman for the Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA). “It's hard to believe that a majority of Quebec voters are willing to put lipstick on this public policy pig. It's brutally obvious that it will still be a pig.

“There are actually anti-gun groups out there who claim that this short-sighted court decision somehow proves that the data is useful,” he adds. “It does nothing of the kind. These are the same people who have not once been able to show how the registry works in favour of public safety. We have all witnessed the federal registry fail. If Quebec repeats this same wasteful misdirection of tax dollars, their new provincial government will get what they deserve.”

Keeping computer data on where firearms are located puts law abiding Canadians at risk. The RCMP admit that criminals have hacked into the registry data more than 300 times to see where law abiding gun owners live. For this reason, the CSSA created the Great Canadian Gun Registry Shuffle to illustrate even to anti-gun advocates that the data is useless for building a provincial registry. . This Quebec injunction gives sport shooters an added incentive to swap guns, and it's already happening. Quebec's injunction is breathing new life into our Gun Registry Shuffle.

“Quebec can't hope to renovate something that was long ago burned down,” explains Bernardo. “The RCMP estimates that 850,000 registered firearms change owners in any given year. So, at least 300,000 firearms have changed hands since the registry was scrapped last April. The CSSA gun registry shuffle has prompted tens of thousands more guns to be relocated across the country, including Quebec. If they want to build a new registry based on the statistical garbage left over in the federal registry from a decade ago, go for it. But, don't expect it to reflect reality, even remotely.

“Every Canadian from every province and territory should be outraged over Quebec's decision to burn what could be billions of dollars,” he adds. “We hope the federal government will oppose any province that spits in the face of Parliament. The Quebec government may enjoy the status as a distinct society, but the rest of the country feels the impact when equalization money flows just one way. Quebec's conscious decision to spend precious tax dollars on faux public safety measures is a matter of national concern.”



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Message Publié : Mar Sep 11, 2012 5:24 pm 

Inscription : Sam Jan 06, 2007 4:34 pm
Message(s) : 2050
Salut Lucky72.
Je vois que le FRANCAIS de cette grande organisation est de plus en plus meilleur dans le plus meilleur pays. :mrgreen:

Message Publié : Mar Sep 11, 2012 8:35 pm 
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Inscription : Mer Sep 17, 2008 12:33 pm
Message(s) : 764
Localisation : Pintendre
On est entrain de passer pour une méchante gagne de clowns avec rien dans la tête devant le reste du pays. Image

Ils nous voient aller, sauf qu'eux ont un certain contrôle sur leur volant et leurs pédales. Par contre nous on est ligotés dans le véhicule et quand ça va cogner, ça va être l'enfer. Image

Pour ou contre le registre, tout le monde va se faire mal... Image

Message Publié : Mar Sep 11, 2012 9:26 pm 
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Inscription : Lun Mars 13, 2006 5:57 pm
Message(s) : 2076
Localisation : Montérégie
C'est outrageux, on est pris en otage par une gang de clowns comme tu le dis Blaireau, une société distincte qui fait pitié en ta...... c'est honteux..... je m'en vais dans l'Ouest cet automne et je fais ma petite affaire bien tranquil, c'est dommage mais j'suis bien content de m'y promener dans un véhicule louer avec une plaque de l'Alberta. :cry:

Message Publié : Mar Sep 11, 2012 9:41 pm 
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Inscription : Lun Août 22, 2011 7:49 pm
Message(s) : 1057
Localisation : zone 10
feu aux poudres a écrit :
Salut Lucky72.
Je vois que le FRANCAIS de cette grande organisation est de plus en plus meilleur dans le plus meilleur pays. :mrgreen:

et bien comme je peux voir, tu n'est pas de ceux qui aide la cause des armes a feu du Quebec, car presentement j'aimerai mieux faire de la traduction, mes je suis trop occuper a repondre a des questions au Quebecois qui ne comprenne pas ce qui se passe presentement au Quebec.

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