Je vais ecrit en anglais donc j'ai pris tros temps pour ecrit le meme chose en francais pis mon connection ete couper pis j'ai tout perdu mon texte.
When bringing a organisation like QDMA over here to Canada we face many different challenges, one being merchandise and the importation of those items.
For example I purchased 2 books from QDMA the cost stateside was $85 dollars u.s. Once delivered with all the shipping , duties and taxes the same books cost me $180 Canadian, quite expensive. But I understand that in the beginning of an assoiciation such as ours we will be faced with some obstacles one being the price attached to such a venture.
It was a subject that was disscused in detail at the meeting I had with Brian Murphy in Las Vegas just under 3 weeks ago. We all need to have patience, I know sometimes things can be frustrating especialy when it includes our wallet.
We fully discussed shipping one large shipment and distributing any items from a Canadian location thus reducing costs to our members.
Keep in mind that 8 months ago we were only 29 members in Canada we are now 100 with 40 of those in Quebec. Our U.S counterparts will have invested close to $11,000 U.S dollars to get us going here in Canada . That works out to $110 U.S per member not bad considering that there are 40,000 U.S members half of which don't know where Quebec is.
Part of their investment includes a french informational pamphlet that includes 4 pages both sides at a cost of $ 2000 U.S That it a huge step for an American group considering even Ducks Unlimited has not much in the way of french language information for it's members.
We have made incredible progress in the last 9 months. We need the support of all our members to make QDMA Canada a sucess.
P.S if your call was made in China gift or not there are duties to be paid