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Message Publié : Jeu Jan 10, 2013 2:31 pm 
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Inscription : Lun Août 22, 2011 7:49 pm
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Dernière édition par lucky72 le Ven Fév 08, 2013 8:18 pm, édité 1 fois.

Message Publié : Jeu Jan 10, 2013 5:20 pm 

Inscription : Jeu Juil 28, 2005 12:47 pm
Message(s) : 3547
Localisation : zone 4
lucky72 a écrit :

TEAM CSSA E-NEWS - January 10, 2013

** Please share this E-news with your friends **

COMMENTARY: It’s time for gun owners to use their collective influence – be pro-active!

In the words of the great Bob Dylan, “A hard rain’s gonna fall.”

He could have been describing what lies ahead for responsible firearms owners in 2013. Even a cursory glance at any Canadian gun owners’ blog shows a lack of cohesion among responsible gun owners. That lack of cohesion is too easily interpreted as a lack of credibility in the eyes of the anti-gun crowd.

Witness the hunters who criticize sport shooters for owning black rifles. Or the recreational shooters who make headlines for turning over their guns to police out of misplaced guilt. Or the impatient, self-appointed political strategists who constantly taunt all government parties with lack of support. Perhaps there is one thing we can all agree on -- the firearms community is in dire need of leadership.

The Sandy Hook shooting has cast the world into disarray. It is a violent culmination that has set the stage for “gun control” advocates everywhere. The clear thinking of the Canadian majority that scrapped the gun registry last year is destined to stand as an international gold standard, even as foreign governments threaten to impose their own gun registries to appease the hysterical anti-gun masses.

And the widespread pressure to take gun rights away from responsible gun owners will not stop at our borders. Canada has already proved it is a world leader in returning to common sense firearms legislation. But, we must prepare to stave off the indignant gun-grabbers who don’t know the difference between a handgun and a torque wrench. The need for public and media relations has never been greater – and here’s how gun owners can help.

Join a pro-active firearms advocacy association. There, we said it. Do rest assured that the Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA) has historically refused to exploit responsible firearms owners with a push of the panic button. We do, however, strongly believe that if you want to explain to the public why you support gun ownership, you owe it to yourself to join a firearms advocacy association. If you are a hunter, target shooter, collector, trapper, farmer, retailer or wholesaler, you need to let others know that you are engaged in an honourable heritage activity. The best way to be heard is by adding your voice to those who ride with you.

Fewer than one percent of Canadian firearms owners belong to a shooting sports association. Imagine how loud that collective voice could be if that percentage approached 10, 20 or 30 percent. Every political party would listen intently to our position and we would have more influence in the decisions made in our country. The only thing standing in your way is you.

Some firearms owners are sceptical of joining an association and challenge us by asking if we really do anything on their behalf. We ask those gun enthusiasts to consider the following:

CSSA has undertaken large upgrades to our communications system to make communications with our members easier and more reliable

CSSA fielded and operated the target shooting team at the Ontario Summer Games

We opened a Ottawa Communications Office

Introduced our weekly CSSA Team E-News to provide current, accurate information to our members. Tens of thousands of people have subscribed!

Provided expert advice to government for Private Members' Bill C-391 and subsequent Bill C-19 that would eventually eliminate the federal long-gun registry

CSSA provided testimony at the House of Commons regarding Bill C-19. We were the only shooting organization invited to do so

CSSA provided testimony at the Senate of Canada regarding Bill C-19. We were the only shooting organization invited to do so

CSSA sits on the Board of Directors for the Outdoors Caucus Association of Canada

CSSA is the only firearms organization appointed to the new Parliamentary Hunting and Fishing Advisory Committee

Four positions on the Public Safety Minister’s Firearms Advisory Board are held by CSSA affiliates

We produced several op-eds for various newspapers calling into question the ethics of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police

We ran full-page newspaper and targeted radio advertisements re: Bill C-19

We published countless letters to the editor and backgrounders to educate the media and public on the folly of gun control

We provided significant input to journalists for continual pro-gun coverage

We have on-going liaison with M.P.s, Senators and the Prime Minister's Office

We publicized the history of Quebec Premier Jean Charest's former support to scrap the registry when he was leader of the federal Progressive Conservative Party

We have represented firearms owners at the United Nations for over a decade

We played a pivotal role in the U.S. Senate announcement that it will not sign any international Arms Trade Treaty document that includes civilian firearms

We worked extensively with the government of Canada on Canada's position on the Arms Trade Treaty and the United Nations Programme of Action

We entered into a new contractual agreement with the Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association to ensure a strong, vibrant industry association

We provide on-going full-page advertisements in the Canadian Access to Firearms newspaper

CSSA has performed hundreds of media interviews in the last two years to take our members’ message to the Canadian public

CSSA/CSAAA partnered with the Outdoors Caucus Association of Canada to introduce the first Member of Parliament Shooting Day at the Stittsville Shooting Range in 2012

We provide information outreach at myriad trade and gun shows throughout Canada

Tony Bernardo addressed the Senate of Canada re: gun registry on March 29, 2012

CSSA’s legislative actions forced the Chief Firearms Officer of Canada to abandon their back door registry attempt through the use of business ledgers -- firearms owners are no longer forced to have their personal information recorded at point of sale for use by police

President Steve Torino and Tony Bernardo addressed the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on June 21, 2012

Youth sport shooters were stripped of Ontario Summer Games honours – CSSA media blitz gets them reinstated on July 22, 2012

Great Canadian Gun Registry Shuffle garners huge media response on August 30, 2012. -- tens of thousands of legal firearms have been shuffled so far to prove registry data is useless

Shaw Media shows anti-gun bias by taking hunting shows off Global TV -- CSSA organizes and spearheads anti-Shaw protest on September 5, 2012

CSSA is an official sponsor for non-partisan Outdoors Day with M.P.s on September 23, 2012

CSSA action prompts Toronto City Council to abandon initiatives to prohibit the sales of ammunition and the possession of legal handguns in the city of Toronto

CSSA action successfully prevents another similar initiative in the city of Ottawa

CSSA continues to work on a large number of legislative and legal issues

Now we ask all responsible gun owners to pose this question to themselves: Could you have done all these things without us? If your answer is no, please join the CSSA or make a contribution now. And please share this information with your friends and family.

Here's what others have to say about the CSSA

“The CSSA has a great reputation for advocating the preservation of Canada's heritage activities. This association has dedicated people who work very hard behind the political scenes to make sure Canadians can stay involved in the shooting sports. If you are a hunter, farmer, trapper or target shooter, you owe it to yourself to buy a CSSA membership.”

Bob Izumi

Izumi Outdoors Inc., Real Fishing Show

“Every hunter and sport shooter in Canada owes a debt to the tireless advocacy efforts of CSSA. They are professional, factual, effective – and most importantly respected in the halls of power. As a valued member of the Outdoor Caucus Association of Canada, CSSA plays a key role in advancing the sportsmen’s agenda with Parliament.”

Phil Morlock, Chair, Outdoors Caucus Association of Canada

Director, Environmental Affairs, Shimano American Corp. / Shimano Canada Ltd.

Chair, Outdoors Caucus Association of Canada

“I strongly encourage all firearms owners, at the earliest opportunity, to join and support the CSSA and become part of this progressive firearms community in Canada . . . the CSSA/CILA. For professionalism, credibility, activism, and just plain hard work on behalf of their members, the CSSA is the undeniable choice for Canadians fighting to preserve and enhance their right to own and use firearms.”

Garry Breitkreuz, M.P.


“The CSSA has played a major role in changing the onerous firearms legislation in Canada. After my nationwide survey concluded that 92% of front-line police officers wanted to see the gun registry scrapped, the CSSA helped to make that message public. The CSSA has important federal government contacts that can help responsible firearms owners get a fair shake that’s long-overdue.”

Constable Randy Kuntz

Edmonton Police Services

“It is amazing what you’ve been able to accomplish in the few short years since CSSA took its present form. You are an inspiration to gun owners internationally and I congratulate you. There is no more respected representative from Canada at the World Forum than Tony Bernardo. His knowledge, his ability to work with others, and his leadership skills in defending firearms freedom are well recognized in the international community. It’s up to each and every one of you to get your gun-owning friends and hunting buddies to join CSSA.”

Sandra Froman

Past President,

National Rifle Association


COMING SOON: "Stick to your Guns" Fundraising Dinner CALGARY. March 29, 2013 at the Blackfoot Inn. Be there!


The CSSA is the voice of the sport shooter and firearms enthusiast in Canada. Our national membership supports and promotes Canada's firearms heritage, traditional target shooting competition, modern action shooting sports, hunting, and archery. We support and sponsor competitions and youth programs that promote these Canadian heritage activities.

To join or donate to the CSSA, visit: http://www.cdnshootingsports.org/membership.html

To subscribe to the CSSA-CILA E-NEWS, send email to: [email protected] or visit http://lists.cssa-cila.org/cgi-bin/mail ... ila-e-news.
To unsubscribe send email to: [email protected]
To change your address or manage your subscription options, visit: http://lists.cssa-cila.org/cgi-bin/mail ... ila-e-news
116 Galaxy Blvd, Etobicoke ON M9W 4Y6
Phone 416-679-9959, Fax: 416-679-9910
Toll Free: 1-888-873-4339
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website http://www.cdnshootingsports.org

mon cher lucky72,

tes textes en anglais, pour plusieurs ne les comprennent pas, donc soi tu les traduit, ou tu ne les publies pas


Message Publié : Jeu Jan 10, 2013 10:12 pm 

Inscription : Sam Jan 06, 2007 4:34 pm
Message(s) : 2050
Salut Lucky.
Encore un superbe communiqué en Francais de CSSA,tu fais des progrès mon Lucky excellent traducteur. :oops: :oops: :oops:

Message Publié : Ven Fév 08, 2013 10:05 am 
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Inscription : Mar Nov 08, 2005 1:16 pm
Message(s) : 3894
Je peux comprendre à un certain point que certain ne peuvent pas lire l'anglais ....c'est un forum Français c'est sur,,mais on peut encore se donner la peine, faudrait mettre aussi nos différences de coté anglais /français, grenouille/ tète carré. pour que finalement entre canadien nous puissions trouver une solution stratégique à ce qui nous arrive en ce moment...

C'est très sérieux..l'avenir des propriétaire d'arme au quebec est en jeu parce qu'ils le veulent et en traduisant une partie du texte c'est exactement ce que ca dit:

COMMENTARY: It’s time for gun owners to use their collective influence – be pro-active!

He could have been describing what lies ahead for responsible firearms owners in 2013. Even a cursory glance at any Canadian gun owners’ blog shows a lack of cohesion among responsible gun owners. That lack of cohesion is too easily interpreted as a lack of credibility in the eyes of the anti-gun crowd.

Il aurait pu décrire ce qui nous attend pour les propriétaires d'armes à feu responsables en 2013. Même un coup d'œil rapide à tout blog propriétaires d'armes canadiens montre ] un manque de cohésion entre les propriétaires d'armes responsables. Ce manque de cohésion est trop facilement interprété comme un manque de crédibilité aux yeux de la foule anti-gun.

Witness the hunters who criticize sport shooters for owning black rifles. Or the recreational shooters who make headlines for turning over their guns to police out of misplaced guilt. Or the impatient, self-appointed political strategists who constantly taunt all government parties with lack of support. Perhaps there is one thing we can all agree on -- the firearms community is in dire need of leader

En témoignent les chasseurs qui critiquent les tireurs sportifs pour la possession des fusils noirs ( ar- Semi -auto) pour lesquels EUX non pas raison de nécessite.. Ou les tireurs amateurs qui font les manchettes pour rendre leurs armes à la police de la culpabilité injustifiée. Ou les plus pressés, autoproclamés stratèges politiques qui ne cessent de narguer tous les partis de gouvernement avec le manque de soutien. Peut-être il ya une chose que nous pouvons tous en convenir - la communauté des armes à feu a un besoin urgent d'un leader

DANS LE BUT D"AIDER tous à comprendre certain texte important ici ou ailleur voici un ignénieux petit software gratuit.
http://translate.google.com/#auto/en/pl ... 0ICITTE%29

Message Publié : Sam Fév 09, 2013 6:25 am 
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Inscription : Mer Oct 12, 2005 9:41 am
Message(s) : 4503
Localisation : Fleurimont
E Clement a écrit :
Je peux comprendre à un certain point que certain ne peuvent pas lire l'anglais ....c'est un forum Français c'est sur,,mais on peut encore se donner la peine, faudrait mettre aussi nos différences de coté anglais /français, grenouille/ tète carré. pour que finalement entre canadien nous puissions trouver une solution stratégique à ce qui nous arrive en ce moment...

C'est très sérieux..l'avenir des propriétaire d'arme au quebec est en jeu parce qu'ils le veulent et en traduisant une partie du texte c'est exactement ce que ca dit:

COMMENTARY: It’s time for gun owners to use their collective influence – be pro-active!

He could have been describing what lies ahead for responsible firearms owners in 2013. Even a cursory glance at any Canadian gun owners’ blog shows a lack of cohesion among responsible gun owners. That lack of cohesion is too easily interpreted as a lack of credibility in the eyes of the anti-gun crowd.

Il aurait pu décrire ce qui nous attend pour les propriétaires d'armes à feu responsables en 2013. Même un coup d'œil rapide à tout blog propriétaires d'armes canadiens montre ] un manque de cohésion entre les propriétaires d'armes responsables. Ce manque de cohésion est trop facilement interprété comme un manque de crédibilité aux yeux de la foule anti-gun.

Witness the hunters who criticize sport shooters for owning black rifles. Or the recreational shooters who make headlines for turning over their guns to police out of misplaced guilt. Or the impatient, self-appointed political strategists who constantly taunt all government parties with lack of support. Perhaps there is one thing we can all agree on -- the firearms community is in dire need of leader

En témoignent les chasseurs qui critiquent les tireurs sportifs pour la possession des fusils noirs ( ar- Semi -auto) pour lesquels EUX non pas raison de nécessite.. Ou les tireurs amateurs qui font les manchettes pour rendre leurs armes à la police de la culpabilité injustifiée. Ou les plus pressés, autoproclamés stratèges politiques qui ne cessent de narguer tous les partis de gouvernement avec le manque de soutien. Peut-être il ya une chose que nous pouvons tous en convenir - la communauté des armes à feu a un besoin urgent d'un leader

DANS LE BUT D"AIDER tous à comprendre certain texte important ici ou ailleur voici un ignénieux petit software gratuit.
http://translate.google.com/#auto/en/pl ... 0ICITTE%29

Salut E Clement,

Non, ce n'est pas aux membres du forum de traduire les textes anglophones dans un forum francophone. c'est la responsabilité de celui qui publie. Une couple de brèves citations, j'ai pas de problème avec ça et ensuite tu mets un liens vers l'article anglophone si tu veux.

Message Publié : Dim Fév 10, 2013 7:42 pm 

Inscription : Sam Jan 06, 2007 4:34 pm
Message(s) : 2050
Pour Pat.

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