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Message Publié : Mar Sep 04, 2012 7:06 pm 
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Inscription : Lun Août 22, 2011 7:49 pm
Message(s) : 1057
Localisation : zone 10
Shaw Media proves anti-gun bias by taking hunting shows off the air

Global TV axes hunting but keeps fishing shows

(OTTAWA – September 5, 2012) The Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA) is suggesting that firearm owners re-think their use of Shaw Media products and services as long as the company demonstrates prejudice against Canada's hunters and sport shooters.

Global TV, which is a Shaw subsidiary, is kicking all hunting shows off the air by the end of the year. Other outdoors shows depicting fishing and boating will remain on the air, but any show featuring hunting will be eliminated.

Outdoors programs pay the broadcaster for air time similar to advertisers, and can make a profit by attracting sponsors. It is estimated there are about two million hunters in Canada.

“This looks like a case of Shaw Media showing its personal bias against Canada's hunting community because they don't like firearms,” says Tony Bernardo, executive director of Canadian Institute for Legislative Action (CILA) and spokesman for CSSA. “It smacks of prejudicial abuse of sport shooters.

“We encountered a similar situation recently when teenage sport shooters were stripped of their roles at the Ontario Summer Games because of the shootings at the Eaton Centre and in a Colorado movie theatre,” he adds. “It's ridiculous to tar hunters and sport shooters with that same criminal brush. Once the absurdity of trashing the innocent was made apparent, the teenagers were reinstated. And, we expect the same for these hunting shows on Global TV. ”

The popular hunting show, Canada in the Rough, is a popular Saturday morning touchstone show for Canadian hunters, yet it is scheduled to be unceremoniously cut from Global's programming. The show features hunting technique and respect for the environment in locations across the country.

“Canada in the Rough is an excellent example of how a TV show educates hunters on how to enjoy their heritage sport and protect our outdoor resources at the same time,” explains Bernardo. “Hunting is a great family activity that teaches responsibility and safety in the outdoors.

“Can Shaw Media really be so myopic to cancel these shows based upon news coverage on a bunch of gangbangers?” he asks. “That behaviour exists in a separate world, and has nothing to do with the shooting sports. Many hunters have watched Canada in the Rough religiously since it first hit the air nine years ago. Even the federal government recognizes hunting as an essential heritage sport.”

Global TV telegraphed its anti-gun bias when it commenced broadcasting viewer warnings years ago prior to hunting shows. The warnings suggest the programs could be unsuitable for children.

“Sport shooters are both amazed and insulted that someone at Shaw believes our activities are anything but wholesome,” says Bernardo. “Someone is trying to play a politically correct game with viewers and we demand that it ends here and now. Shaw Media sells television, Internet and telephone services. It owns 18 specialty cable channels. A company with all these products and services has a lot to lose if two million firearms owners and advertisers choose Rogers, Cogeco, Bell or one of the many other suppliers of these products".

“Shaw must change its mind on the silly decision to take hunting shows off the air,” he adds. “If they refuse, the CSSA has no alternative but to advocate that Canadian gun owners turn off Shaw, just like they're planning to turn off hunting. It's only fair. Shaw needs to realize that the firearms community has more collective influence than any other single group in Canada.”


If you disagree with this decision, share this information and please contact: Greg McLelland,
V.P. of Sales, Shaw Media
(P)416-263-4931 (C) 416-720-2291
[email protected]

Defending Canada's Heritage
P. 905-571-2150 F. 905-436-7721

Message Publié : Jeu Sep 06, 2012 8:43 am 
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Inscription : Jeu Mars 01, 2007 8:35 am
Message(s) : 4056
J'ai fait un ménage complet dans ce sujet. Je vous invite à nouveau à commenter l'article de Lucky72, mais cette fois-ci, si possible, sans émettre des commentaires idiots, sans vous insulter, si possible, sans trop sacrer, etc, etc, etc. Etes-vous capables de faire ça une fois de temps en temps ? :roll: Ça devient juste une perte de temps totale. Le compteur est revenu à zéro. Ceux qui veulent commenter de façon civilisée sont les bienvenus. Les autres, laissez faire svp.

Merci pour votre collaboration !


Message Publié : Jeu Sep 06, 2012 8:51 am 
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Inscription : Mar Nov 08, 2005 1:16 pm
Message(s) : 3894
Merci Mart,

C'est vraiment innocent de voir le monde de la chasse, la pêche le plein air,,comme disgracieux ou méchant ,,,ca provient de valeure inné au pays et passer de génération en génération ...mais... face à une société de ma-tantes qui dictes au reste du monde ce qu'il doivent voir et lire... n'es-ce pas une forme de dictature, CRTC, ?

LA chine vie exactement un grand control sur les média , nouvelle etc , question encore une fois de garder le monde dans l'ignorance ,,à une échelle différente biensur ..

Les jeune ont le droit d'apprendre les vrai valeur du monde de la chasse et peche sans censure, si les matantess veulent absolument mettre leur mot, elles peuvent peut-être les interdire de FUMER avant 19 ans , BOIRE avant 19 piercing partout dans le visage ,et TATTOO qu'il regretteront par la suite ,,quand il blâmeront la plannète parce qu'il ont pas de travail autre que dans une Arcade.........

il veulent contrôler ce que les jeune regarde ,, et ils s'en prennent encore au sport de la chasse ....on va leur montrer que c'est nous qui control les chaine télé.boycott...............

PI en passant les matantes .....LES ENFANTS QUI CHASSE ,PÊCHE ET PIÈGE en plein-air ,,,ne sont pas ceux qui volent les sacoche de bonne femmes dans les rue de Montréal . il vous faudra regarder ailleur ...les brillantes

Message Publié : Ven Sep 14, 2012 9:11 am 
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Inscription : Lun Août 22, 2011 7:49 pm
Message(s) : 1057
Localisation : zone 10
http://www.change.org/petitions/globalt ... 8%20136925

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