Voici ce que quelqu'un m'a répondu aussi...Mais en anglais:
Dom: Been there, done that too. Here's the result of trials and tribulations over the years, doing it with the Forester Bench Uniformer. No gloves, easy on the fingers, and doing it by hand with mechanical advantage of the tool enables you to feel the cutting action very well, and always cuts to the same depth.
One side has large, the other end has small pocket uniformers, both carbide and will last forever. Mine is over 12 years old and still cutting perfectly after thousands of cases. The little plastic ashtray catches the shavings. I also use it after depriming, as it cuts the carbon out, and does a skim cut if the brass has moved from pressure. Many times you will get just a tiny skim cut of brass due to the dynamics of brass movement during firing. The photo shows the carbon mixed in with the brass. The cases in the background have not been processed yet, only deprimed. After the treatment, the bottom of the primer pocket is bright and shiny again. (The ashtray contains about 10 years worth of brass.)
There are many ways to skin a cat; this is what has worked very well for me, and is quite inexpensive to boot. Got it at Sinclair's.
Dominic Imbeau