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 Sujet du message : Handgun Hunting
Message Publié : Mer Mai 30, 2018 5:28 am 

Inscription : Mar Mai 22, 2018 6:28 am
Message(s) : 5

I am going boar hunting with my Gen4 10mm Glock in November.So far I have put in a Lone Wolf 5.2 inch oxide barrel, Lone Wolf trigger kit, and installed Warren Tactical Sevigny plain sights.I purchased Buffalo Bore 220 gr hard cast and 180 gr JHP Hornady XTP's (to be alternated in the magazine).At the outdoor range I shot 3 inches at 35 yards and anything after that I am not confident of a clean kill.I really want to do a spot & stalk, but a tree stand over a feeder would be OK.I do not live in Texas (upstate South Carolina) so I have to go to an outfitter. figure $600 per day which includes 2-boar hunt, guide, processing, guide tip, etc.For that I have to drive down to FL to a place just outside of Daytona Beach.Other outfitters in the low country of SC are charging unto $450 per boar, plus everything else.Any handgun hunters out there with some experience and advice?Do you think my set-up is good to go?What about the max yardage for a clean kill?Any thoughts about the sights?

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 Sujet du message : Re: Handgun Hunting
Message Publié : Jeu Mai 31, 2018 6:16 am 
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Inscription : Ven Jan 26, 2007 8:06 am
Message(s) : 377
Localisation : Arc, dans ma cour (8), carabine (10ouest et 11)
For the 10mm, hard to say... my only experience with handgun hunting is for deer in upstate New-York. I used a 44 mag with hand loaded Hornady 265gr that was a bit hot. I would not have gone lighter for deer as I consider 30-30 (equivalent) performance to be the minimum in these woods. On the other hand, I heard many guys shooting boars in Florida with 223 as well as 357 mags.

Hope somebody else can give you better advice. And wish you a good hunt this November!!

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